Thursday, May 30, 2013

Living the dream?

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Dear Marly,

I am living in a dream. I wanted to write another blogpost, because there have been some things on my mind. Today, I read the review about of Laura Marling's new album 'Once I was an eagle', which got 5 out 5 stars. That draw my attention. I'd been listening to Laura before, but I don't own any of her albums or her music.
Thank got we have spotify! I did some research: the album was recorded in one day (voice + guitar), which gives it a certain continuing flow. That's why I decided to play the album and listen to it as one piece. And it's just.... hypnotising. Can I say this lady is a f***ing genius?
And isn't she beautiful? I think she's gorgeous.

Then, there's some more. GOOD NEWS. I am trying to organise a concert, together with a friend of mine, who composes classical music. We are quite ambitious and perfectionistic, because we just want this to work. I've contacted a location I liked very much, The Grand Theatre in Groningen (remember?). Today, I got a call. There are a couple possibilities, and maybe we can even get a location FOR FREE! I'm really excited about it, although nothing's sure yet. And there is more good news, which I'm unfortunately not allowed to say yet, because it hasn't been confirmed. I'll tell you soon! Until then, enjoy some music and think of your loving little sister!

Lots of love,


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Can I just say she's my favorite person ever?? (after you, of course)

PS. This is not my real blog post, but I'm short of inspiration at the moment
PPS. And I couldn't help it, because she's just te best
PPPS. I mean, how can you NOT like her?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dreaming the life

Dear Suze,

Turin Brakes on, time pressure (it’s already Sunday evening): I am ready to write. But what will I write about? No exciting things have happened to me this week, and I can’t write about my main activity because I wrote about that last time :P. Sometimes my life seems so boring and reality seems to be so unsatisfying. Of course that’s when I escape into stories, as I suspect you have been doing with adventure time. Books, series and my own imagination, they helped me through quite some boring days.
Last year I had a period of boredom too and then I decided to take escapism one step further. I decided to fictionalize my life. I have a diary entry in which I explain every detail of it. The idea is this: I take all the elements of my life, and think of an exciting alternative for them. Maybe this is hard to understand, but I’ll tell you what I did. At that time, I was living in a room in the house of my landlord. It was an old, boring man, and it was a boring house in a boring neighborhood. But in my fictionalized life, the neighborhood was full of magic: elves and dragons lived there, and of course there was a mafia-like organization present. Coincidentally, my landlord happened to be the leader of this organization and when he was gone (he was often away to Brasil) I had to take care of his business. In this way, I took every element in my life and translated it into something else. My addiction to anime became a real addiction to a weird kind of drugs called Anma, the friend that had introduced me to anime became my dealer and my lessons Japanese became magic lessons.
I know it sounds crazy, but believe me, I know it was silly and I never mistook it for something real. I just wanted to turn my life into a story, to create a dream I could live in. I thought that it could become more than just a dream, because it could act as a filter to reality. I could look at something in reality and think about the alternative version. Because reality is so boring.
Don’t deny it. It’s a fact that in reality  not everything is as exciting, fantastical or as perfect as it could be, and the people aren’t as nice, witty and/or attractive. If a writer wrote my life down just as it happened, critics would probably complain about the lack of coherence (as a lot of characters and situations just don’t have any effect later on), the huge amount of unnecessary detail and the overall lack of plot. And the overall dullness of course.
Still, it didn’t work out, my fictionalized life. I guess real life got into the way of my little project. It’s funny that way, isn’t it? Despite all its dullness, there are a lot of times when it just grabs your attention and won’t let it go. Because, well, it has one advantage: it’s real. And it’s really about me.

Lots of love,

Ps. Don’t worry, I’m not unhappy about my life. I’m just bored sometimes. And I love stories.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What time is it?! Okay, forget it

Dear Marly,

In response to your post, I feel ya, girl! Also about the way of thinking 'Wikipedia-style': your mind discovers all these super interesting and undiscoverd sideways, and before you know it, you've been spending all your time on useless thoughts. That is, if thoughts are useless. I don't really think they are, no matter how trivial. All thoughts can be interesting, and are always more intersting than maths homework (math sucks). Maybe I'm busy writing songs and poetry because it in itself is a form of procrastinating. I can easily play the piano all day, while working on a school assignment that long seems like TORTURE. That being said, I'm not all productive and creative. Internet offers a perfect escape from everyday troubles, and endlessly renewing my facebook page has become one of my favourite passtimes.
The last couple of days I probably could've done a great amount of work, but I didn't. All due to my latest addiction, and it struck me hard and merciless this time. It's...
Adventure Time! Yeah, I've become immersed in the adventures of Jake the Dog and Finn the Human and the daily business of the Candy Kingdom. I know it sounds kind of goofy, and... well, it is. But it's also a lot of fun. And I know I'm not the only one who's spend the weekend doing nothing useful. I've checked with my friends and none of them had done anything school-related. But I guess we need that sometimes.
And just look at all the awesome stuff you've done so far! You're studying the subjects you love, while there are so many people who haven't even figured out yet what they want to do. After the holidays, you'll go to Japan! That's amazing, right? And in the end, we'll turn out fine, I'm sure of it.
By the way, I have been working on some songs, and I'm quite proud of it. I'll post some tracks in the near future, okay? Now let's chase some adventures!

Lots of love, Suze

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I'll change! - tomorrow

Dear Suze,

Your post – the first-ever post on our blog, yay – really made me laugh. I mean, starting two hours before the deadline? You remind me of myself. No matter how many times I tell myself that I will really start earlier with an essay next time, eventually I find myself frantically typing in a race against the deadline. It is ridiculous how easy it is to say to yourself that you will start ‘later’. It would be a lot better if some of the stress I experience when the deadline is almost upon me could be transferred to those moments. Maybe then it wouldn’t be so easy to procrastinate.
                And it is not as if I’m working on important things when I decide to procrastinate. Most of the time I’m busy watching series, searching the internet for random facts about my latest obsession, or reading books I’ve already read numerous times. I swear, if I would have spend all the time I spend on useless things on real work, I would probably have written 2 novels by now, created numerous (naturally highly successful) youtube channels, and written the most amazing essays (with of course a lot of background reading). Yes, I would probably also be an expert in various interesting topics such as medieval warfare, Chinese history and Japanese poetry (these are all subjects I am interested in, but I have never done anything more than Google-search them). But maybe everyone would be brilliant if they would only focus on one particular task at the time.
                I for one seem to be incapable of thinking of one thing for a longer period of time (say 10 minutes). It’s not that I don’t try to focus, it’s just that every thought I have looks like a Wikipediapage. There are links to other pages/thoughts everywhere and before I know it, I’m in a completely different part of my mind without knowing how I got there. The fact that the real Wikipedia is only one mouseclick away doesn’t help by the way.
                So there I am, it’s a day before the deadline, and suddenly I find myself in front of a white screen. The lie I had told myself all that time – that I had prepared really well, that it was actually as good as done, because I had thought about it for so long, that I only had to write it down – finally reveals its imaginary nature. You know what happens then?
                That is the point the stress comes flooding in, as if a dyke has broke. Suddenly all the optimism with which I told myself ‘later’ is replaced by a panicky feeling of despair. It will never work, I can’t write it, I won’t make the deadline, this will be the essay that will not be written. And every time the essay is finished, and I made it before the deadline.
                Of course I rely on this. The fact that, up until now, I have succeeded every time, is a good excuse to procrastinate. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to fail, but it might be a good thing if it did happen to me some time. Though you could say that this, failing, has already happened in a way. There have been two times this year that I did make the deadline, but was extremely unhappy about what I had written. The grades I got for them weren’t that great either, though they were still sufficient. I already hated my habit of procrastinating, but they made me realize more than anything that I don’t want to be like that anymore. I don’t want to experience that kind of stress and I want to write good essays, so that I can say that I couldn’t have done any better. I started out well this period, but then I got ill. Then I watched ‘Doctor Who’, because I couldn’t concentrate, because I was ill. A legitimate excuse, don’t you think? But, though I felt a lot better last week, I still found myself watching ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘True Blood’ instead of studying. Then I get irritated about myself and I feel guilty (and stressed) about not having done anything (yes, I have another deadline coming up. Two actually.)
                What frustrates me the most about this situation is probably the fact that it isn’t simply a matter of making one good choice and – poof! – I’m a better person. No, it’s about making the right choice every freaking time my mind wanders off to who-knows-where, and every time I am severely tempted to watch ‘just one’ episode of a really exciting and fun series.
                Right, I know I sound like an addict now, but I honestly think that it is hard work to change a habit, especially if this habit makes your life more fun most of the time and hasn’t caused any real problems – yet. That’s right, ‘yet’. Because eventually it’s just an accident waiting to happen.
                Do you have that too? I mean a habit you really want to change, or are trying to change right now? I know you procrastinate too, but still I have the idea that you manage to do a lot more – you write songs, poetry and you finish stories (instead of just quitting because you don’t know where they’re going anymore) and I think they are amazing. How do you do that?

Lots of love,

P.S. This post was actually written a day before it was due! Writing this did however mean that I didn’t work on the essay – deadline tomorrow. On the bright side, I haven’t watched any episodes today. What do you think, are some reasons for procrastinating more legitimate than others?
P.S.2. Sorry that I did not react to the part about Turin Brakes. I could have, because just now I had a few thoughts about them, but I should not make this too long. Also, during writing I had numerous ideas for other things I could write about, but, well, actually I am proud that this post is about only one thing, and that my Wikipedia-like mind doesn’t show (that much).

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just start writing ALREADY!

So I know I promised I’d start writing, writing the first post on this blog EVER to be precisely, but there were too many things school forces me to do and they got me completely stressed out. So guess who’s writing this piece two hours before the deadline? Yeah I know, I know.
And of course I wanted to write about something very interesting and awesome and really special, but to be honest, I haven’t got a clue. And if there’s something I’m not in the mood for, it is thinking. It seems almost impossible right now.
So I put on some music to help me calm down: Turin Brakes. You’ve got bands too many people know, like Mumford & Sons. Don’t get me wrong, they’re amazing, but a band like Turin Brakes deserves just as much fans. But they don’t. Which is a shame, because I’d like everybody to know this beautiful song 'Painkiller'.
I love it so much because it clears my head and because the lyrics are just wonderful: "Cycle on your bicycle/leave all this misery behind". Just as hauntingly beautiful is 'Dark on Fire', one of my favourite songs ever.

So take all that you know and stuff it in a hole,
And in ten thousand years someone will take you home,
Rewind the words in which you roam

Set the dark on fire!

Love, Suze